read&sign – Eliminate Paper and Save Time
If you’re looking for a way to eliminate paper and save time, our read&sign software could be the answer. Here we look at some of the ways it can help your business become more efficient:
Publish Notices Easily
Our read&sign Software makes it easy to publish notices to your work force. You can send policies, procedures, safety notices or minutes, with peace of mind that your important documents will be sent instantly and read by relative bodies. Whether you have a new health and safety policy that staff members need to be aware of, or you’ve just held an important meeting that people need to read the notes on, read&sign can help you keep all your workforce informed.
Easily Acknowledge Important Information
It can be difficult to track who has read important information when you pass round paperwork or send out an email to everyone on your team. With the read&sign software, your work force can acknowledge the receipt of your notices as soon as they read them, meaning you know exactly what information has been read and understood. This promotes increased responsibility, awareness and efficiency within the organisation.
Instant Tracking
As soon as you send your documents through the online system, you can track who has opened it and read the information. You can then send reminders out to those that haven’t to tell them that they have an important notice yet to be acknowledged. Being able to instantly track those who have read it can help admin staff as they don’t have to check up with each individual. If you run a large business with hundreds of employees, having piece of mind that each staff member has read the information is vital. You can also split individual employees into categories so if a certain notice is only relevant to one job role or department, you don’t have to send it out to the entire company, just those that the information is relevant to.
Eliminate Paper
Using read&sign software can eliminate paperwork across your business. Signing documentation online is incredibly popular with businesses across all industries as it eliminates the need to put pen to paper and wait for documents to arrive. Acknowledging a form online saves staff printing hundreds of copies to issue around the office. Paperwork is messy, time consuming and is easily lost. If you were then to get hundreds of signed forms back, you would need to find somewhere to store them. Looking around modern offices, not many have filing cabinets stuffed with paperwork anymore. Using an online system also cuts out the impact on the environment.
Save Time In House
read&sign software can save management and admin staff a lot of time. There is no need for them to have to constantly chase employees to read documents or sign relevant documents. This can take hours of time, especially if staff work across different sites and especially during times where many staff members are on annual leave. Across the board, more time is spent reinforcing new health & safety procedures than actually setting them up, and using a system like the Read&Sign software can save time by informing your workforce of changes quickly and efficiently.
Save Time With Outside Agencies
It doesn’t just have to be used in house. More and more companies are using online sign software to send documents back and forth between themselves and clients. It saves a huge amount of time and money doing it this way as you don’t have to put paperwork in the post, wait for the outside agency to receive it, wait for them to sign it and send it back to you, then for it to arrive. It cuts out so many steps by just sending through an online system that can be accessed instantly.
Accessible Everywhere
Even if your staff are on the go daily, they can access documents on mobile devices and tablets through the read&sign software. This means they will be able to access documentation as soon as they can, even if they are not in the office.
read&sign is a vital piece of technology if you’re looking to save wasted time and eliminate paperwork. If you send a lot of documentation out to your work force, you’ve probably noticed just how much paper is used within your business. There is now a new solution to paper wastage.
For more information visit our read&sign page, or contact us on +44 (0)1472 269 243