Implementing COSHH Training for Employees | step-by-step
implementing COSHH training for employees

Implementing COSHH Training for Employees

Ensuring the safety of employees is a top priority in any workplace, and implementing Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) training is a crucial step in achieving this goal.

COSHH training not only helps in maintaining a safe work environment but also ensures regulatory compliance.

In this article we will look at how you can implement COSHH training for your employees using a Learning Management System (LMS).

Understanding COSHH and its importance

COSHH regulations require businesses to manage and mitigate risks associated with hazardous substances in the workplace. This involves identifying hazardous substances, assessing the risks, and implementing control measures to protect employee health and safety.

Proper COSHH training ensures employees understand how to safely handle hazardous substances, leading to fewer workplace accidents, improved regulatory compliance, and increased confidence in their ability to perform tasks safely and effectively. This not only promotes a safer work environment but also enhances overall operational efficiency.

Challenges in Implementing COSHH Training

Implementing COSHH training for employees can present several common challenges.

Varied Roles and Exposure Levels
Employees in different roles may have varying levels of exposure to hazardous substances. Tailoring training to be relevant for specific job functions can be complex.

For example, frontline workers may require detailed training on handling chemicals, while office staff may need a broader understanding of risks.

Time and Resources
COSHH training requires significant investment in time and resources. Your business needs to allocate time to create, deliver, track and measure training. This can be a challenge if you have limited resources or operate in a fast-paced environment.

Engagement and Retention
Employees may view COSHH training as a mere tick-box exercise, leading to disengagement and poor retention.

Moving beyond one-time training sessions, for compliance its important that training is also renewed with refresher courses, however this puts further constraints on your business if you’re delivering training manually.

The role of a LMS for COSHH training

The role of a LMS is to store, deliver and manage your training, taking much of the manual burden out of any training initiatives. For example, when implementing COSHH training, an LMS can:

Auto Enrol
An LMS can facilitate automations like job-based and site-based enrolment, allowing organisations to tailor training programs according to specific roles and exposure risks.

Self-paced Learning
Using an LMS gives 24/7 access to training, allowing your employees to complete COSHH training at their own pace and convenience, maximising resource efficiency.

Schedule & Remind
An LMS can enhance engagement by scheduling refresher courses automatically based on regulatory requirements or best practices. This ensures learners receive updates and reminders for upcoming training.

Features of an effective COSHH training program

Comprehensive training content
You must have detailed training modules covering all aspects of COSHH. Comprehensive, clear and structured training is essential to ensuring your employees understand the risks associated with hazardous substances and the proper safety measures required to mitigate them.

 Modules could include:

  • Introduction to COSHH
  • Identifying hazardous substances
  • Risk assessment procedures
  • Control Measures
  • Safe handling and storage
  • Emergency procedures
  • Reporting and documentation
  • Specific substance training
  • Legal framework & responsibilities

Interactive training
Engaging and interactive content encourages active participation, helping learners gasp complex safety protocols more thoroughly. Interactive training doesn’t have to be complex, it can be things like quizzes and videos which require the learner to become more involved.

Regular updates
Regulations, best practices and chemical formulations are always changing, so keeping training updated and staff informed is the best way to ensure continued safety and well-being at work. New training equips workers with the necessary knowledge to recognise risks, use PPE effectively and respond appropriately in case of exposure.

Implementing COSHH training using a LMS

If you’re starting to explore using an LMS to deliver you COSHH training, here’s a step by step guide of things you need to do.

#1 Identify COSHH Requirements

Understand the specific COSHH regulations and compliance requirements relevant to your industry. You can start your discovery on the HSE website here: COSHH and your industry.

#2 Assess training needs

Determine which employees need COSHH training and the specific requirements. Define what these employees need to know, such as hazard identification, safe handling, emergency procedure and risk assessments. Example risk assessments

#3 Training content

Either develop your own content such as videos, slides and quizzes, or purchase pre-made COSHH training courses from reputable providers.

#4 Choose a LMS for your training

Evaluate your LMS options and look for one which supports multimedia content, tracking and reporting features and is accessible. For example, Induct & Train is used by health & safety managers to organise and deliver a range of training, including COSHH.  

#5 Upload and organise training

Organise training into clear sections and modules, selecting which modules you’d like in your training courses. For example:

Package 1: COSHH: Basic training (modules 1, 2, 3)
Package 2: COSHH: Advanced training (modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6)

This will allow you to organise all of your COSHH training and assign only the relevant bits to the right packages/employees.

#6 Assessment and certification

Include assessments at the end of each module or section to ensure your training is being understood. This is great for compliance, but also allows you to get a holistic view of people’s comprehension and make appropriate changes.

#7 Enrol Employees

Depending on your chosen LMS, enrolment might look slightly different. For example you may have an LMS which allows you to auto-enrol people who meet certain criteria, in which case you should set those up at this stage. If not, manually enrol the appropriate people.

#8 Communicate new training

Inform employees about the new training and its importance, deadlines etc. Many LMS’s will notify and prompt people automatically.

#9 Evaluate and improve

One of the biggest benefits of using an LMS is the ability to monitor progress and report results, this will give you insights into your programs performance so you can update training accordingly. For example you could check commonly failed questions to see where the road blocks are, check progress of specific users or sites and much more.

#10 maintain and update training

Periodically review and update your training to ensure they reflect current regulations and best practices.

#11 COSHH Refresher training

Schedule regular refresher courses to ensure employees are updated on changes and that their knowledge is up to standard. An LMS like Induct & Train allows you to set refresher periods, so training is automatically redistributed within a chosen time frame, marking their previous training as invalid.

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