Embed Read & Sign and feel the benefits
If you read our last blog post you’ll know that we work closely with our clients to understand their business, to identify the challenges they are looking to address and to put forward solutions that drive the widespread delivery of improvements and benefits across as many areas of the company as possible.
We use our experience to help businesses look at how they currently deliver a function or process and then reimagine the process with the introduction of our automated, intelligent and intuitive solutions.
It’s this approach that helps us to tackle a wide arrange of challenges and realise a multitude of additional benefits, savings and improvements for our clients, not just introduce a new solution.
Take communication for example. Sharing information should be one of the easiest things to do shouldn’t it?
After all, it doesn’t matter if it’s passing information between colleagues at the coffee machine or it’s sharing a companywide update to multiple sites across the globe, fundamentally it’s the same isn’t? Nope…
Stick with us on this one…
You have a piece of information (process update, urgent safety bulletin, vital policy document), that needs passing on (sharing to a target audience to whom the information is most current and relevant).
You walk up to the person who needs the information, talk to them and walk away happy in the knowledge they now know what they need to know. You might even get them to read and sign something to say they’ve had the update or read the document. Simple isn’t it?
So simple in fact that countless companies across the globe are still doing just that. Engaging their colleagues, teams and wider workforce in face to face meetings or sending emails with the information attached. In doing so they are in reality burning through precious resources and wasting a lot of time and money.
At worst, they are adding yet more email traffic to already bursting inboxes and running a massive risk of the email dropping into spam or being missed/ignored. The consequences of which could be very serious indeed.
Without a doubt there will be some reading this thinking that we are clearly stating the obvious in the previous paragraphs but worryingly there will be a far greater number having an epiphany, realising that we have just been describing their company and current process of sharing important information and updates.
If you are in the latter camp reading this, we would describe your process as ‘hit and miss’ at best. It may work to a certain degree but how much is it costing to deliver this important information on a person by person basis when you measure the following:
- Time to create and send the information
- Time herding everyone together for a meeting to share the information
- Time taken to collate signatures of those in attendance
- Time taken to create email groups, email and send the updates before then collating ‘read receipts’ and moving into folders for safe keeping
- Time taken chasing people who have yet to receipt
- Time taken to ensure staff lists are accurate and current when sending out emails
We could go on but you get the message…
If this sounds all too familiar the good news is not only can we help, we can actually make a very big difference across each aspect of the send, read, acknowledge and save process with our solution – Read and Sign.
It’s a solution that is already being used to great effect across the globe in the most stringent of industries where health and safety are of paramount importance and being able to ensure that this information can be shared with all who need it is vital.
The key to Read and Sign is flexibility as we are able to configure the solution to mirror a company structure taking into account sites, departments and teams – or Groups as we call them.
We then assign different categories of information throughout these groups which enables the distribution of information that is of most importance to the people in your company at the click of a button.
Should they fail to read and acknowledge in a certain amount of time, the system will automatically remind them to do so which in turn removes the need to create countless reminders if you are responsible for managing this information.
Picking up notifications to read couldn’t be easier either as we are able to send alerts in a number of formats to ensure they are picked up in real time (where required) and relevant action taken via a very intuitive user portal that guides you through each step.
Each and every user has their own unique secure login and ID which helps to track the acknowledgement of every notification sent, presenting information managers with a secure comprehensive archive of every acknowledgement received and by whom.
In truth we are barely scratching the surface of what is possible here thanks to our ability to tailor Read and Sign to meet the needs of each client but hopefully it’s clear to see just how big an improvement our solution can deliver straight out of the box.
We would welcome the chance to speak with you in more detail about your company and the challenges we can potentially help you with and we’re so confident in our solutions that we’ll even open you up a free platform to try for yourselves.
For more on Read and Sign and our other solutions, visit www.keyzo.co.uk
To arrange a demo and trial, fill out our enquiry form or simply email info@keyzo.co.uk
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