Benefits of induction training
Many large organisations and industries have the goal to achieve zero accidents and incidents. One way to support that industry aim, is with an effective induction and training system.
Below are just a few industry examples, showing the benefits of site induction training and reasons for using induction and training software.
Energy & renewable inductions
Energy companies are all looking for solutions to reduce costs and become more efficient.
By having an online contractor induction system, this means that the thousands of contractors working for energy companies across the country can easily access the training they need without any delays, need for travel or unnecessary paperwork.
The energy company can easily manage all their contractors training and notify digitally the staff that haven’t completed the inductions yet. Check out our E.on Energy case study and also why we have seen a huge increase in demand from the energy industry to implement our online inductions.

Refineries & Factories
Being forced to shut down a refinery unit or factory because of a serious incident can have massive cost implications. Even just one day could cost the organisation millions!
Serious accidents have been known to happen at large refineries due to new contractors coming onto site and not having the correct or full induction and training for their tasks at hand. With thousands of contractors going on site every day, across numerous locations including offshore sites, these kinds of errors should be avoided.
By integrating an effective induction training system in place, means refinery contractors can do training inductions online before they even enter the site. Saving time and highlighting problems early if someone fails to qualify their induction.
Waste management & recycling industry
Within the waste management and recycling industry to help prevent accidents; health & safety training covers a specific range of key areas such as:
- slips, trips and falls
- manual handling
- workplace transport
- legislation and responsibilities
Training sessions covering these areas could be carried out on site to a group of employees, on-the-job training or refresher training. Any form of training or updates to policies, would all benefit from using acknowledgement software by individuals to show that they understood each section. This helps companies to easily track compliance if an accident was to happen. Rather than any word of mouth agreement or hand written signature which can be easily disputed.
With health & safety training in any industry, it is easy for employees to have a training session one day and then forget about certain crucial parts a few days later. That is why including a regular workplace induction training system helps keep staff refreshed on the H & S industry standards.

Construction Site Inductions
For on-site workers to do their job safely; site operators must ensure that all employees and contractors receive thorough site inductions. This ensures workers that are new to the construction site are familiar with the layout, how it’s organised and their main responsibilities on site.
On-site inductions and the different types of roles that are required within the construction industry tend to be hands on of relevant procedures. We recommend using induction and training software to support this. From a safety aspect, online inductions before construction workers arrive on a new site, ensures the workers fully understand the workplace and procedures.
Maritime transport inductions
Maritime transport environments can be a very hazardous place to work. This is due to changing conditions, large machinery and 24 hour moving logistics. Incidents can be quite common and very costly. Which is why there is always a big aim to have zero accidents for staff working on ports.
A well implemented system for induction training can help port workers and contractors to understand health and safety risks involved on site and be better prepared at avoiding incidents. Staff can quickly be required to undergo more training should an incident happen, or just to give staff a training refresh.
Supporting many industries with induction and training
We support a wide range of multi-site industries with our trusted induct & train software. Energy companies such as Eon, offshore wind farms like Vineyard wind and material suppliers like CEMEX, all use induction training. Helping to improve efficiency, health & safety, reduce the risk of incidents and save money.
Here’s an example of how our induct & train has saved time providing online inductions before new employees start their role.
Get in touch and let’s help improve your induction training process.